Do you own a fine retail store? Contact your sales rep to help you with your wholesale order:

Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Alaska
Sid Hoagland
Sid Hoagland and Associates
2617 Belvidere Avenue SW
Seattle, WA 98126
T: 206-932-6358
F: 206-937-6034        


Northern California and Hawaii (break between Northern and Southern CA is a straight line from Carmel, CA across the state with Carmel being in N. CA Territory)
Nancy Morgan
Morgan and Company 
461 Carlston St. 
Richmond, CA 94805
M: 501-541-5529

Southern CA, Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada
Bonnie Fratis
Bonnie Fratis & Associates
Los Angeles Merchandise Mart
1933 S. Broadway, #755
Los Angeles, CA 90007
T: 213-749-0943
F: 310-374-8899 

Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota Kentucky, and city of Pittsburgh
Roger Bailey
R.B. Bailey & Associates
1269 Furnas Road
Vandalia, OH 45377
T: 937-698-5092
F: 937-698-5984

North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, and Nebraska
Cathy Enck
Pickard China Customer Service
782 Pickard Ave, Antioch IL 60002
(P) 847-395-3800, x114


Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Mississippi
William M. Lamont
Jeanette Lamont
2100 N. Stemmons Freeway
2400 Dallas Trade Mart
Dallas, TX 75207
Meg Duncan, Manager
T: 214-748-7923
F: 214-748-3521        

North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida
Michael Brezicky
More Than A Rep LLC
1501 Dearborn Road
Columbia, S.C. 29204 
p: 803-338-4470 
m: 803-338-4470

Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Washington D.C., and West Virginia
David Wunderlich Inc.
4405 Leland Street, Chevy Chase MD 20815
M: 301-758-4058
W: 301-657-1044


Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee
Ian Ballinger
I. Ballinger LTD.
301 Benson Road
Dallas, GA 30132
M: 305-812-2544

Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont
David Freiman
David Freiman, LLC
22 East 22nd Street, Apt. 12A
New York, NY 10010
T: 212-777-1000
F: 212-777-1292